Mathematics education? Now, we are a student of mathematics education. As prospective teachers of mathematics, we should indept thinking about mathematics education.
Well, firstly, we should understand the differences between younger and adult. If younger, they need something where concrete (concrete materials). In other side, younger have more think. They can think abstract object. For example, we can compare the number 7 and 5. When we describes the number 5 is greater in size than the number 7, the younger will think that number 5 is greater in value because it was bigger. Younger just thinking something real. Different from younger, adult have ability to think about the values contained in the numbers.
That is the reason why mathematics is different. The material learned in school and university levels differ because of differences in the character the ability to think of the pupils and students. At the first experience, while attending school, the material being taught according to the daily, real happening. Continued in college, the material being taught an abstract, consisting of definitions, axioms, theorems, and proofs.
Related to learning mathematics that have different characteristics, required educational innovation. In general, Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63) defines school mathematics as the nature of mathematics, as follows:
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships implication of this view of learning. Here the teacher gives students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation patterns to determine the mathematical relationship to make conclusions.
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention. The implication of this view of learning is to encourage initiative and provide an opportunity to think differently, encourage curiosity, the desire to ask, the ability to refute and ability estimates. Of particular interest to teachers is not suggesting a solution using only one method.
3. Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving). The implication of this view of learning is to provide mathematics learning environment that stimulates the emergence of mathematical problems, solving mathematics problems using his own way, and encourage students to think logically, consistent, systematic and develop a system of documentation / records.
4. Mathematics as a means of communicating. The implication of this view of learning are encourage students know the nature of mathematics, encourage students to make an example the nature of mathematics, encourage students to explain the nature of mathematics, encourage students to give reason the need for math activities, encourage students to discuss issues mathematics, and encourage students to read and write mathematics, respect students' mother tongue in talking about mathematics.
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gave his view that the potential for students can be developed optimally, assumptions about the characteristics of learners and subject implications for learning mathematics are given as follows:
1. Pupils will learn math if they have motivation.
2. Pupils learn mathematics in its own way.
3. Pupils learn mathematics either independently or through collaboration with his friend.
4. Pupils need a context and in different situations in learning mathematics.
That some material needs to be underlined by prospective teachers. The materials presented by Mr. Marsigit have many benefits and appropriate for education today. Provisions to be a teacher have been covered to one.