Mathematics may not teach us how to add love or minus hate, but it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution...

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Developing Mathematics Teaching

Currently, an interesting Mathematics learning can be created by teachers using variation methods. The discussion this time will further discuss about the differences of two methods of teaching. Both methods are traditional method and progressive method. The differences are based on four main levels. They are spiritual level, the normative level, the formal level, and material levels. Consider this.
In the spiritual level, consisting of the spiritual itself, ways of live, and  vision of the future. Based on this level, traditional teaching method gives the education just as an obligation. As a result, students are burdened to learn because it has no awareness of the importance of learning. But, in progressive teaching, students have an awareness because teachers do not provide the liability but the motivation for the more advanced.
At second level, normative level, there are law, decree, education system, paradigm of education, and theories of education. On traditional teaching, position of teachers only teach knowledge to students. Students receive science as an empty vessel. Students are passive learner. For that, it needs reform of paradigm. This is represented by the progressive method. Methods progressive view of teachers as facilitators and students as a seed. Students are expected to build his own knowledge.
Formal level presented curriculum, syllaby, and the book. In Indonesia, we know KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), one of Indonesia curriculum that had been semi-progressive. It is actually could reform traditional curriculum to a progresive curriculum. Regarding the curriculum, we need to realize, as a candidate of mathematics teacher, if have case the same result, same objective, same steps, same thoughts, same facility, same time, but different students, including traditional methods. Coupled with only the orientation of the final value. This method is less precise applied current. Progressive method offers a solution to the differences in student characteristics on the assessment process. It make active student by student competence oriented with different facilities, different objective, different time, and different result.
The last is material level. This is consist by class, student, teaching, book, and building. In the traditional class, teacher just doing expository method. In this method, the teacher just explaining, giving example, giving problem, and giving task repeatedly. Text book oriented applied by the teacher. Students are pure mathematics. Contra with traditional method, progressive teaching have a fundamental, there is no the best way to education. Teacher can use various method at the class. Teacher can make book by find inovation to develop their knowledge and teaching method.
Well, That’s all discuss about the differences between traditional and progressive method teaching. Overall, as a candidade of mathematics teacher, we can choose progressive teaching method as appropriate method currently.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

The Nature of Student Learn Everything

As a mathematics education student, we must feel happy because only few of young people have chance who concerning to the mathematics education. Then, as consequences, we need to empower or give supporting ourself. We should never be disappointed. We must wake up. After that, we must make certain that we are walking in the right track. It have the impact to our goal. When we have gain our goal, we should support our competence. We can use many facilities that available around. Besides, we also need support from our family. The most urgent is we need understand both ourselves and everythings around us. If we didn’t understand, we could be blind and empty. Blind meaningfull there it nothing destination. We  must fill our comprehension by hard struggling in our life. Then, we would not get blind and empty.
In life, we strive for understand ourself. It means we must understand about the our situations and our characteristics. Everybody have different characteristics. Now,
we are adult students. We should aware our situations. As a student, actually we can’t always depend on our lecturer.  Presently, we can improve our ability and knowledge by search knowledge from everything, everywhere.
For teaching, as a candidate of mathematics teacher, something important engage with the younger is the different way of thinking between us and them. If we are teaching, but students are learning. We should show modern teaching who make active student. It like mathematics iceberg. In the future when learning process, teacher should prepare something to teach. There are Lesson Plan and Student Work Sheet. Teacher also need to understand the role of interaction. Interaction happened by subjective knowledge and objective knowledge of mathematics. The urgent is how to guarantee student are able knowledge of mathematics. It means that we should revision knowledge.